850 Leonard NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Mon - Fri 7 am to 6 pm
Sat 8 am to 12 pm for gas only
Brake Service
If you're experiencing unusual sounds, smells, or feelings while braking, getting your vehicle checked out by a professional technician as soon as possible is important. Our shop offers a basic brake service that includes a thorough evaluation of your brake system, replacement of brake pads or shoes, and resurfacing of drums or rotors on the serviced axle. You can trust that we will never recommend any unnecessary parts or services, and if we do suggest additional services, we'll provide you with all the options right away. So don't wait - bring your vehicle in today for a reliable and safe brake service.
Fluid Flush
Have you ever experienced an increase in your stopping distance? It could be due to the breakdown of your brake fluid. What's worse, this can cause corrosion of your brake lines. That's why it's crucial to have your brake fluid replaced periodically to eliminate any moisture and contaminants. Be sure to check your vehicle owner's manual for specific recommendations. If not specified, it's recommended to flush the brake system and replace the old fluid with new fluid every two years.
Give us a call (616) 459-0975